hey peeps. yes i know da lame aku ta update blog. lots of assignment and lappy tade na update. ni bru je dpt lappy time 31july aritu.
okay okay. the story is aku bru lepas accident. accident selasa 23 august. accident kete v lorry. bkn lorry besar. lorry die bih kurg cm gmbr bwh ni.
okay then masuk wad sehari. aku ta terok sgt injuries. but kwn aku teroklah. ifa driver so die kene simen kaki die.n parut kt pp sikit.
it has been the momet yg ssh sgt na lupe ntaot na ingat :(
overall sume selamat n now masing2 di rumah berehat. ifa dpt mc smpi bln 9 n aku smpi raya je sbb ta terok sgt. hope kes claim insurans sume ni selesai cepat.
thanks to my sayang yg wlupon ta dpt dtg tp gtaw my parents bout accident ni n sume lah.
and thanks to member2 yg bersusah payah ulang alik dr uitm ke hospital like melani tasha, :) thanks babe!
n kepada yg dtg, rahmat,marziah his gf, ain bubu and shibu her bf, tira, pinpin n kwn2, tim n sepet her bf, kwn sepet, deyla n bean her bf, kreko, tasya n jimmy her bf :) n ta lupe ekin.
thank you so much to intan n mimi sbb ssh payah jg kami berdua kat hsptl, mlayan kerenah ktorg sume smpai korg ta cukup tido n sakit pggng sume. THANKS!! :)
n to our parents n also sorry sgt2 to my roomate, qeena(ashu). sbb hancur kete awak. :(
sorry n we didnt meant it. sorry sgt2 sshkan ashu n abg ashu sume.
btw, THANKS you guys :)
love mira . xoxo